That's What We Need the Direct Democracy app
Anonymously Co-Create Consensus Solutions
Tell “TWWN” (chatbot) what you are upset about
TWWN guides the private conversation to uncover root causes and find maximum consensus political solutions on single-subject topics across a supermajority (70% or more) of diverse users.
TWWN generates recommendations and guides the group to finalize the political strategy (bills, amendments, legal, petitions, etc.) and execute decentralized and dynamically in real-time --all while you remain anonymous.
Collectively Launch Optimal Political Strategy
Chat with the TWWN chat bot
Your info is anonymous and encrypted
The chat bot streamlines strategy co-creation
How TWWN bot runs is transparent to all
Supermajority is easily able to:
Auto-contact representatives
Start petitions
Contact legal resources
Quickly gain support for joint bills
and more